740 Route 3 South Gambrills, MD 21054
Phone: (410) 923-2100
o Please see attached Property Diagram.
o Players traveling from points North are encouraged to park in API's overflow parking lot located at Regency Park 730 MD Route 3 South Gambrills, MD 21054. This parking lot is accessed directly from Route 3 South.
o Players traveling from points South are encouraged to park in API's parking lot.
Check In
o Coaches must check-in the API Lobby /Front Desk and verify roster and completed waivers for each player participating in the tournament.
o Players not playing in the 8:00am can assemble in the designated warm-up areas.
o All teams are required to always carry with them a copy of their official roster, a copy of each player’s birth certificates and a copy of their insurance. In the event of a player’s age challenge each team must show the player’s birth certificate or valid State-issued ID with birth information. If player is found to be to ineligible the player will be removed from tournament, the head coach will be ejected from the remainder of the tournament. There will be NO FORFEITS because of an ineligible player. A sub may replace the ineligible player if one is available, otherwise an automatic out will take place in the same manner as an injured player.
o A player may appear on ONLY one roster at a time. Any player found to be participating with more than one team shall result in the second team’s disqualification, and suspension of the player for the remainder of the tournament.
Warm Up Area
o The designated warm up area will be in the Sports Hall or Flex Court area of the Main Building.
o Warm up area may be used by teams preparing to play only.
o The warm-up area can be used by up to two teams at once. Warm-up areas and schedule will be available upon arrival.
o Teams scheduled to play at 8:00am/8:30am can begin warm-ups at 7:00am/7:30am.
Unique Rules Air Dome
o Out of Play:
§ When the ball is lost in any netting. (Umpires discretion)
o Foul Balls:
§ All balls that hit lights or ceiling in foul territory. Ball is dead.
§ All balls that hit lights or ceiling in fair territory will be played.
§ All normal rules apply.
o Home Runs:
§ When the ball clears the netting in the outfield.
o Ground Rule Doubles:
§ When the ball is lost in the outfield.
Unique Rules Sports Hall
o Out of Play:
§ When a ball is lost in any netting. (Umpires discretion)
o Foul Balls:
§ All balls will that hit lights, fans, or ceiling in foul territory. Ball is dead.
§ All balls that hit lights, fans or ceiling in fair territory will be played.
§ All normal rules apply.
o Home Runs:
§ Ball must clear the black nets in left- or left-center field. (8U & 9U)
§ Ball must clear black nets in right-center or right field below last row of lights. (8U & 9U)
§ Ball must clear the black nets in center field. (10U)
o Ground Rule Doubles:
· Balls that go into center field or down the foul lines and pass through any openings in the nets.
Special Indoor Rules
o No metal cleats allowed.
o No sunflower seeds, gum, or open-container sports drinks food on the turf.
o Coaches no chewing tobacco or sunflower seeds.
o Each team will play (1) game as Home team and (1) game as Away team in Pool Play rounds.
o Higher seed will have choice for all Quarterfinal, Semifinal and Championship games.
Mercy Rule
o 12 run lead after 3 complete innings
o 10 run lead after 4 complete innings
o 8 run lead after 5 complete innings
8U Pitching
o Kid Pitch - 1st thru 3rd innings
· Flat Ground Mound at 40'
· No player can pitch more than (3) innings per day. (1) pitch constitutes a full inning.
o Coach Pitch - 4th thru 6th (or extra) innings
· Coach pitch from within painted circle around 40' mound.
· Three (3) swinging strikes or seven (7) total pitches constitutes an out.
o Hit Batsmen - 2 per inning. 3 per game. Pitcher must be removed if either occur.
o No Balks.
9U and 10U Pitching
o No pitcher may pitch more than (3) innings per game or (5) innings per day. (1) pitch constitutes a full inning.
o Portable Mound at 46'
o Hit Batsmen - (2) per inning. (3) per game. Pitcher must be removed if either occur.
o No Balks.
Bat Restrictions
o No hot/modified bats including rolled or shaved bats.
o Any player using an illegal bat will be suspended for current game and remainder of tournament. The team's Head Coach will also be suspended for the current game and remainder of tournament.
o Bunting is permitted for 9U and 10U only. Slash bunting is not permitted.
Pitcher Warm Up Time
o Pitchers will be given 3-5 minutes to warm up prior to the first inning.
o All innings after that pitcher will get 4-6 pitches for warm up.
Visits to the Mound
o 1 visit per inning
o 2nd visit must result in change of pitcher
8U Specific Rules
o 40' flat ground mound
o 60' bases
o No dropped 3rd strike rule, ball is dead for all runners.
o No infield fly rule.
o Live Play Rule - For base running purposes, play does not begin or resume ("live play") until the batter hits the ball officially in play. Neither a base-on-balls, hit by pitch, passed ball, wild pitch or overthrow from catcher to pitcher constitutes a "live play" for these purposes.
o Dead Ball Rule - For base running purposes, play ends or ceases (a "dead ball" occurs) when the pitcher has control of the ball within a 10' radius around the rubber (umpires’ discretion). At this point in time, the umpire must determine the position of the base runners at the moment of the "dead ball". Base runners who have reached at least a point mid-way (30 feet) between the bases may advance to the next base. Base runners who have not yet reach the mid-way point must return to the preceding base. If the pitcher attempts a continuance of play by attempting to throw-out an advancing runner after the ball has been returned to him (from a fellow player) within the "infield area" the pitcher has forfeited a "dead ball" and has officially resumed the ball in play, allowing players to advance. A "dead ball" will not occur again until the ball returns to the pitcher in the "infield area". Walks of any kind, bases on balls or batters hit by a pitch, are considered "dead ball" activities. Runners do not advance except as typically caused by the walk itself.
o Stealing is NOT permitted.
o Bunting is NOT permitted.
o Headfirst slides are not allowed to any base except if player is diving back to base. Runners must avoid contact and attempt to get to the base or plate and not trying to interfere with the fielder in any way.
o Maximum of five (5) runs per inning. 6th inning and extra innings are unlimited.
9U and 10U Specific Rules
o 46' portable mound
o 60' bases
o No dropped 3rd strike rule, ball is live for all runners.
o No infield fly rule.
o Base runners shall not leave bases when pitcher is on the mound or until the ball is delivered and reached home plate. Stealing is permitted after ball has reached home plate.
o Headfirst slides are not allowed to any based except if the runner is diving back to a base. Runners must avoid contact and attempt to get to the base or plate and not trying to interfere with the fielder in any way.
Batting Order (Line-Up)
o Teams may bat 9 batters.
o Teams may bat 10 batters. An (EH) may be used in the batting order (line-up). If you start with an (EH) you must end with an (EH) or take an out at that at-bat.
o Teams may bat entire roster then use free defensive substitutions in the game.
o When batting their entire line-up, if a player is unable to bat at any time solely due to on field injury, then no out will be called but the player is no longer eligible to play in the rest of game offensively or defensively.
o Starters may re-enter ONLY. (Must remain in same batting order number)
o No subs can re-enter.
Courtesy Runners
o A courtesy runner for the pitcher and catcher is allowed with 2 outs. The runner must be a player not in the game or was last batted out.
o Coaches and fans ejected from a game must exit the venue immediately and may not return for the rest of the tournament. Players ejected from a game may stay with their respective teams
but may not participate in rest of that game plus the next scheduled game provided they display a sportsmanlike manner for the duration of the game.
Intentional Delays
o The umpire and tournament directors reserve the right to eject any player, coach, or fan for intentionally delaying a game. A forfeit may be enforced at the Tournament Director’s discretion.
o Judgment calls are final. A coach may politely ask the umpire who made the call to clarify a rules interpretation. The umpires on the field will make a final decision on the field. Tournament Director will have final say on rules. There are no paid protests.
o The home team will be the official scorebook. The visiting team is encouraged to maintain a book also.
Start of Game
o All teams are expected to be at fields ready to play ½ hour prior to game time. Please be prepared to start games early if field, umpires, and teams are ready to play. Teams must have 9 players to start game NO exceptions. Teams may finish with 8 players (out will be taken for vacant spot in lineup).
Reporting Scores
o It will be the winning team's responsibility to complete the scorecard and turn-in at the lobby front desk within 15 minutes of game completion.
Tie Games
o Pool play games can result in a tie.
o Bracket/seeded games will be resolved using a Modified California Tiebreaker:
· Every half inning following the 6th inning will start with bases loaded and two outs. The bases will be loaded by the 3 batters prior to the first batter of the inning; furthermore, the batter occupying first base should be the last batter before the batter at the plate. The same batting order is to then be followed.
Ranking For Final Seeds
Seeding for Elimination Round will be determined in the following order:
1. Total points (Win=4 points; Tie= 2 points; Tie 0-0= 1point ; Loss= 0 points)
2. Head to Head if only two teams are tied.
3. Total runs allowed
4. Minimum runs allowed in single game
5. Runs scored
Game Length
o All Games except Championship game will follow a strict 1 hr 45 min time limit which means no new inning after 1 hr 45 min.
o Time will be kept by the Umpires.
For Championship game, teams will conti